All day and night Sunday (Sept. 1st 2013) I was continuing to have very painful and progressing contractions. They were jumping around from 8-12 min apart though so I waited. Finally around 2 am, the were so painful I just couldn’t take it. Jaycob called the on call nurse and she advised we go to the hospital. We got there at 2:40 am and I was hooked to monitors and checked for dilation and effacement. I was dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced. Because I was in so much pain, the nurse decided to only wait 15 min (instead of the usual hour) to check. I was then a 4 so the admitted me and called the Anesthesiologist. At 9:00 am, I was 100% effaced and dilated to a 10. They wanted me to start pushing. Dr. Dayton came in and decided to use forcepts to get the baby out quicker because there was distress. I was scared at first. They brought in a NICU team just in case. After about two contractions with the forcepts, baby was out. Jaycob announced that it was a GIRL!!
September 2, 2013 | 5 lbs 8 oz. | 17 1/2 inches | Born 9:57 am
Baby Girl Gets a Name
After she was all cleaned up, tests done, and I was moved from labor & delivery to mother and baby. Then for about 20 minutes, Jaycob and I were left alone with our new little girl while everyone went to get dinner. We went back to our long list of names but I already knew when I first looked at her. Millie.
We didn’t have any trouble deciding. I’m so lucky to have such an incredible and supporting husband!
It was so great to have Jaycob there and able to stay with me in the hospital. He’s such an incredible dad already. He is so interested in everything Millie does and is so helpful.
She is incredible. We love her so much already!
Oh, Ali, this is so sweet! What beautiful pictures! It makes me think of when our oldest–also a girl–was born. Looking at the pictures of Jaycob and Millie together reminded me so much of Stan and Sami–he was so completely in love with his tiny little daughter–just like Jaycob is with Millie. Anyway, you all look wonderful and I am so, so happy for you! Kiss that sweet little girl for me. Wish we lived closer so I could see her in person, but grateful for FB and blogs. You will be an amazing mom, Ali.
Sister Ness 🙂